We have library which accepts FILE* (CImg). For performance reason we wish to handle data already in memory without accessing a disk. Target platform is windows which unfortunately does not support fmemopen (and funopen)
char* buf = new char[sz];
FILE *fp = fopen("C:\\test.dat", "wb");
int r = setvbuf(fp, buf, _IOFBF, sz);
r = fwrite(src_buf, 1, sz, fp); // Here r contains right size
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
size_t sz2 = ftell(fp); // sz2 contains right size as well
// Test (something like this actually is somewhere deep inside library)
char* read_buf = new char[sz];
r = fread(read_buf, 1, sz, fp); // Zero!
Final fread() can't read anything... Any suggestions?
For our specific case we found CImg plugin doing the thing.
As of a sample in an original question - at least MSVC runtime flushes written content to disk itself. So it isn't a valid replace for fmemopen()