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Canvas flashing

I'm a sophomore in High School and am in a comp sci class that uses (I believe) pretty old school approaches to things. I know my code is not going to be fantastic.

When any of the arrow keys are held down the map spazzes and flashes. I have to redraw the map because the canvas needs to be cleared, because otherwise I would have a ton of each character when I move him. I just want to draw one, obviously.

What can I do to make the map not flash when the arrow keys are held down?


  • Old school and a mess.

    Well that code is a mess (and I don't believe that is the teachers doing), so before you hand it in, and even while you are writing it just apply a code formatter or a beautifier on the source code. It will look better and be a lot easier to read and find problems.

    A lot of the code is old school so the teacher should get updated code.

    Load images only once

    The reason that you are getting flickering is because every time you render the map you recreate and reload the images. You do the same for the link and the sword images (which are the same image BTW).

    To fix

    Add to the top of the script, just after the tag add

    var canvas; // I put this here because of the mess is too much to clean
    var grass = new Image();
    var stone = new Image();
    var sword = new Image();
    var link = sword; // same image 
    sword.src = ''
    grass.src = '';
    stone.src = '';

    Then make the following changes

    Yours in original format functions drawLink and drawSword (plus my comments). Don't know what is with the canvas size changes maybe old school clear method?

    You had..

    function drawLink(){
        var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");  // Not needed
        var ctx = c.getContext("2d");                 // Not needed
        // ctx.fillStyle ="#FCD8A8";                  // remove dead code
        // ctx.fillRect(linkx - 20,linky-20, 30, 30); // remove dead code
        ctx.canvas.height = 575 ;                     // ?? only size canvas once
        ctx.canvas.width = 835  ;                     // remove
        link = new Image();                          // remove
        link.src = 'img/sprites-link.png'            // remove
        // drawSword();                              // remove dead code
        drawMap();                                   // why is this here???
            function drawSword(){
                var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); // Not needed
        var ctx = c.getContext("2d");                         // Not needed
        ctx.canvas.width = window.innerHeight +900;           // ???? remove
        ctx.canvas.height = window.innerHeight  ;              // remove
        sword = new Image();                                   // Not needed remove
        sword.src = 'img/sprites-link.png'                      // Not needed remove

    ...change to (formated with jsbeautifier)

    function drawLink() {
        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
        if (link.complete) {
            ctx.drawImage(link, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, linkx, linky, linkW, linkH);
        drawMap();  // ??
    function drawSword() {
        if (sword.complete) { // make sure image has loaded
            ctx.drawImage(sword, 30, 200, 15, 30, 200, 200, 30, 30);

    then change the drawMap function to look like

    function drawMap() {
        var posX = 0;
        var posY = 0;
        if (stone.complete && grass.complete) {
            for (var i = 0; i < mapArray.length; i++) {
                for (var j = 0; j < mapArray[i].length; j++) {
                    if (mapArray[i][j] == 1) {
                        ctx.drawImage(stone, posX, posY, 32, 32);
                    } else if (mapArray[i][j] == 2) {
                        ctx.drawImage(grass, 0, 0, 17, 17, posX, posY, 32, 32);
                    } else if (mapArray[i][j] == 3) {
                        ctx.drawImage(grass, 20, 0, 17, 17, posX, posY, 32, 32);
                    posX += 32;
                posY += 32;
                posX = 0;

    And the function init now looks like

    function init() {
        document.addEventListener('keydown', doKeyDown, true);
        document.addEventListener('keyup', keyUp, false);
        srcY = 30;
        canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
        c = canvas; // you should change all the vars c to canvas
        canvas.height = 575;
        canvas.width = 835;
        ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

    And that will stop the flickering as the images are now loaded at the start and will not be readered until they are complete.

    For the rest of the code it is too much of a mess to fix without a complete rewrite from the ground up.

    Code review.

    Maybe once you have handed in the assignment and to help to gently nudge teacher in the right direction, submit the original code (from the teacher) to Code review telling them what it is. They will review that code and you could then respectively show the teacher, who may then take some time to get up to date with Javascript.