I've been trying to get the pinterest api working on my project but I keep running into an issue with the redirect_uri. This is the error message I am getting.
status : "failure",
code : 7,
host : "coreapp-ngapi-prod-0a018ab7",
generated_at : "Sat, 15 Apr 2017 00:45:16 +0000",
message : "You are not permitted to access that resource.",
data : "The provided redirect_uri https://example.com/complete/pinterest/ does not match any of the registered redirect URIs."
I am running my site on https. I have https://example.com/ set as the site URL and https://example.com/complete/pinterest/ in the redirect uri (I've make sure to enter that so it's in the list, and save the page)
What could I be doing wrong?
If you're sure you've registered it correctly and using https, then try contacting Pinterest support