im new in functional programming but i have experience in imperative programming specially on java. i would like to ask how does a value iterate in smlnj i know that on java you can use varName += anyNumber or varName = varName + 1. on smlnj i dont know how to do this and my var value is not iterating here is a sample of my code. thanks in advance.
fun number_in_month (dates : (int*int*int) list , month : int) =
val total = 0;
fun check(date : (int*int*int) list , m : int) =
if #2(hd(date)) = m
then total + 1 (* this is the problem in the code i don't know
how to iterate this like "varName += 1" in java *)
else check(tl(date),m)
this program will check if the dates (on a list) entered exist on the month entered and will output how many dates exist on the month.
for example : number_in_month ([(year,month,day)],monthEntered) number_in_month([(2017,2,1),(2015,2,3),(2012,1,2)],2) output must be 2 because the first and second item in the list is equal to the monthEntered.
the problem in my code is it just output 1 even if the all of the dates i input is equal to the month i enter. i just want to know why it just output 1 and how should i fix it. Thanks in advance :D
An equivalent of updating a mutable variable through iteration is re-binding an immutable function parameter through recursion. So instead of "foo() { while (p) { x++; }}", in pseudo-code, you do "foo(p,x) { if (p) { foo(p,x+1); } }". Or in SML,
type date = {year : int, month : int, day : int}
fun countMonth month (dates : date list) =
let fun countMonth' [] count = count
| countMonth' (d::ds) count =
if #month d = month
then countMonth' ds (count+1)
else countMonth' ds count
in countMonth' dates 0 end
But here is how I'd write a function that filters the number of dates in a list that belong to a given month using a higher-order function:
type date = {year : int, month : int, day : int}
fun filterMonth month (dates : date list) =
List.filter (fn d => #month d = month) dates
fun countMonth month dates =
List.length (filterMonth month dates)