I am using FC filename1 filename2 >> myLog.txt
(where myLog.txt exists) command under Windows to compare two files. I use the command in a loop so I could compare many pairs of files.
I want to ignore the output when FC
Comparing files filename and filename2
FC: no differences encountered
Because it floods the output file with unwanted information.
How can I do this? And if possible, can I count the number of "successfull"(the one which output I ignore) compares?
I tried with FC filename1 filename2 2> myLog.txt
to redirect only the error stream, but it doesn't output anything, meaning the command only outputs to the standard stream.
You have not specified how you "use the command in a loop so I could compare many pairs of files" (how do you get the second file of each pair in the loop?), so you must modify the code below accordingly.
@echo off
set successfull=0
(for %%a in (filename1*.txt) do (
FC "%%a" "%%~Na2.txt" > diffs.tmp
if errorlevel 1 (
type diffs.tmp
) else (
set /A successfull+=1
)) > C:\other\folder\myLog.txt
del diffs.tmp
echo Successfull compares: %successfull%
If the myLog.txt
file must grow with each run of this program, then just change the >
redirection by an >>
append one...