Is that possible to check the no. of spaces in current line of the richtextbox with its text changes event... for example
lin1: word1 word2 word3
lin2: word1 word2 word3 word4
when i type space after word3 it shows me message that you cannot enter word4
First off, use this TextBox extension and apply it to your RichTextBox(see code below, complete version findable here)
public class TextBoxExtension : TextBox
public TextBoxExtension (){ }
public int CurrentLineIndex
get { return this.GetLineFromCharIndex(this.SelectionStart) + 1; }
Then do the following:
int maxWordsAllowed = 4;
private void textChangedEventHandler(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs args)
//This get the space character count in your current line
if (myRichTextBox.Lines[myRichTextBox.CurrentLineIndex].Split(' ').Length - 1) > maxWordsAllowed )
MessageBox.Show("Reached Maximum Words for that line");