When DateTime field is left blank, Sensenet displays (system default) '01/01/01 12:00' in the content browse mode. Can it display no value since it was not entered by users?
You can also solve this with server side code in your content handler.
If you instantiate a new DateTime
object its default value is 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
, also specified as DateTime.MinValue
. DateTime.MaxValue
is 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM
. You then test for DateTime.MinValue
to address formatting.
If you have content where you will be formatting and displaying dates a lot, it is often simpler in your Content Type Definition (CTD) to define a string field that corresponds to the date field. For example, your CTD could have fields like this:
<Field name="ReviewDate" type="DateTime" >
<DisplayName>Review Date</DisplayName>
<Field name="ReviewDateStr" type="ShortText" >
<DisplayName>Review Date</DisplayName>
Then in your content handler, you create a read only getter to display the ReviewDate:
private const string REVIEWDATESTRPROPERTY = "ReviewDateStr";
[RepositoryProperty(REVIEWDATESTRPROPERTY, RepositoryDataType.String)]
public virtual string ReviewDateStr
if (ReviewDate == DateTime.MinValue)
return "n/a"; // Default string if date is not set.
return ReviewDate.ToString(); // Add date formatting here.
Alternatively, you can create a field control that does that same thing.