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SignalR: Using the caller method outside of the hub context

I am trying to use the Caller method outside my Hub Context. I have a helper class which works fine when broadcasting a message to all users like so:


It won't allow me to use the Caller method within this class but this works fine in the hub context class. Why is this? I have also tried to move all of my functions inside the context class but I now get this unhanded exception:

Using a Hub instance not created by the HubPipeline is unsupported

Is there a straightforward way to continue to use my helper class and identify connections to the hub?


  • I solved this in the following way:

    1. I created a OnConnected method in my Hub class. This assigned the currently connected user to a group.

      public class NotificationHub : Hub
          private static IHubContext hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<NotificationHub>();
          public override Task OnConnected()
              string userid = Context.Request.User.Identity.GetUserId();
              Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, userid);
              return base.OnConnected();
    2. Modified my HubHelper class to now broadcast this alert to the currently connected user (specified by the user's ID)

      public void HighScoreAlert(int gameid, int score, string userID)
          string message = "High Score achieved on " + gameid;
    3. For the controller action I pass in the user's ID and then call the HubHelper method featured above.

    Hope this helps someone