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GTMSessionfetcher google drive UPLOAD to Google drive Objective-C?

According to the documents published here, I can download and upload with GTMSessionFetcher. And little bit further in the Documentation form the link I have a code for authorized download form google Drive:

GTLRQuery *query = [GTLRDriveQuery_FilesGet queryForMediaWithFileId:fileID];
NSURLRequest *downloadRequest = [service requestForQuery:query];
GTMSessionFetcher *fetcher =
  [service.fetcherService fetcherWithRequest:downloadRequest];

[fetcher beginFetchWithCompletionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSError *fetchError) {
  if (fetchError == nil) {
    // Download succeeded.

It works fine!

My question is: how do I upload with GTMSessionFetcher to Google Drive in iOS?


  • Try this code from Google Toolbox for Mac - Session Fetcher:

    @interface GTMSessionUploadFetcher : GTMSessionFetcher
    // Create an upload fetcher specifying either the request or the resume location URL,
    // then set an upload data source using one of these:
    //   setUploadFileURL:
    //   setUploadDataLength:provider:
    //   setUploadFileHandle:
    //   setUploadData:
    + (instancetype)uploadFetcherWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request
                              uploadMIMEType:(NSString *)uploadMIMEType
                              fetcherService:(GTM_NULLABLE GTMSessionFetcherService *)fetcherServiceOrNil;
    + (instancetype)uploadFetcherWithLocation:(NSURL * GTM_NULLABLE_TYPE)uploadLocationURL
                               uploadMIMEType:(NSString *)uploadMIMEType
                               fetcherService:(GTM_NULLABLE GTMSessionFetcherService *)fetcherServiceOrNil;
    - (void)setUploadDataLength:(int64_t)fullLength
                       provider:(GTM_NULLABLE GTMSessionUploadFetcherDataProvider)block;

    The github code states that GTMSessionFetcher makes it easy for Cocoa applications to perform http operations. The fetcher is implemented as a wrapper on NSURLSession, so its behavior is asynchronous and uses operating-system settings on iOS and Mac OS X.

    Hope this helps.