I like to have this button. When you click on it the button text should change to "Updating...". Then two seconds later it should change to "Updated!" and the button shouldn't be clickable after that.
Current Html Button script:
<a class="btn-primary-md" id="buyButton" onclick="text = 'Updated!'">Update</a>
So to sum up, you have a button/link and onclick you'll want:
You can do this by extracting the JavaScript from the HTML for readability and maintainability like this:
var button = document.getElementById("btn");
button.addEventListener("click", function () {
button.disabled = true;
button.innerHTML = "Waiting...";
setTimeout(function () {
button.innerHTML = "Thank you!";
button.disabled = false;
}, 2000);
<button id="btn" type="button">
Click me