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plot phylogenetic logistic regression with binary response variable

I used the phylolm package to do phylogenetic comparative analysis. As my response variable is binary data (ones and zeros), I used phylogenetic logistic regression.

How do I plot the output of phyloglm? I found a similar question here, but I can't understand the reply. could you please provide some advice about how to plot the results, as shown here? pls


  • Using the example from ?phyloglm:

    tre = rtree(50)
    x = rTrait(n=1,phy=tre)
    X = cbind(rep(1,50),x)
    y = rbinTrait(n=1,phy=tre, beta=c(-1,0.5), alpha=1 ,X=X)
    dat = data.frame(trait01 = y, predictor = x)
    fit = phyloglm(trait01~predictor,phy=tre,data=dat,boot=100)

    Plot (jittered) data and response (plogis() is the logistic function. The predicted value is logistic(a+b*x); we use curve() with add=TRUE to draw the line)

    par(las=1,bty="l") ## cosmetic
    cc <- coef(fit)

    enter image description here

    The OP's version of this plot is

    enter image description here

    which (although we can't see the y-axis scale) is perfectly consistent with a logistic fit, being approximately linear across the intermediate range of predicted values (there is a hint of deceleration at the upper end of the curve).