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Get call in stack Java

   public void push(E e)
public E pop()
public E peek()


public boolean empty()
   if ( list.size()== 0)
       return false;
       return true;

This is part of a driver code my teacher gave me in order to under stand the stack. I understand what each part of the stack does, I am just not understanding how to implement the stack based on this code. I need help with the peek method mainly, but if you see other issues please let me know. I would appreciate the help.


  • public E peek(){
      if(empty()) return null;
      int top = list.size()-1;
      return list.get(top);

    AND empty method can be simplifized to:

    public boolean empty(){
      return  list.size() == 0;


    public boolean empty(){
      return  list.isEmpty();

    AND pop method should throws NoSuchElementException when stack is empty.

    public E pop(){
      if(empty()) throw new NoSuchElementException();
      int top = list.size()-1;
      return list.remove(top);