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lmfit - best and init fit do not correspond to report

I am trying to fit data with Python library lmfit. In the data, there are two gaussian functions, the second (LO) higher than the first (TO). The code follows:

TOmod = GaussianModel(prefix="TO_")
LOmod = GaussianModel(prefix="LO_")
TOmod.set_param_hint('TO_center', min = 265, max = 270)
TOmod.set_param_hint('TO_amplitude', min = 3e3, max = 7e3)
TOmod.set_param_hint('TO_sigma', min = 0.1, max = 5)
LOmod.set_param_hint('LO_center', min = 280, max = 310)
LOmod.set_param_hint('LO_amplitude', min = 2e4, max = 4e4)
LOmod.set_param_hint('LO_sigma', min = 0.1, max = 8)
pars = TOmod.guess(y, x=x)
pars += LOmod.guess(y, x=x)
mod = TOmod + LOmod
out  =, pars, x=x)

plt.plot(x, y, "bo")
plt.plot(x, out.init_fit, 'k--')
plt.plot(x, out.best_fit, 'r-')
plt.xlabel(r"k [cm$^{-1}$]")

I can produce this graph:

lmfit also produces following report:

    (Model(gaussian, prefix='TO_') + Model(gaussian, prefix='LO_'))
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # function evals   = 30
    # data points      = 576
    # variables        = 6
    chi-square         = 2534929941.545
    reduced chi-square = 4447245.511
    Akaike info crit   = 8823.259
    Bayesian info crit = 8849.395
    TO_sigma:       0.14748432 +/- 0        (0.00%) (init= 0.1)
    TO_center:      270        +/- 0        (0.00%) (init= 270)
    TO_amplitude:   3000       +/- 0        (0.00%) (init= 3000)
    TO_fwhm:        0.34729903 +/- 0        (0.00%)  == '2.3548200*TO_sigma'
    TO_height:      8114.94309 +/- 0        (0.00%)  == '0.3989423*TO_amplitude/max(1.e-15, TO_sigma)'
    LO_sigma:       0.25064604 +/- 0        (0.00%) (init= 0.1)
    LO_center:      292.364593 +/- 0        (0.00%) (init= 292.3646)
    LO_amplitude:   24876.9938 +/- 0        (0.00%) (init= 20000)
    LO_fwhm:        0.59022631 +/- 0        (0.00%)  == '2.3548200*LO_sigma'
    LO_height:      39595.6185 +/- 0        (0.00%)  == '0.3989423*LO_amplitude/max(1.e-15, LO_sigma)'
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are <  0.100)

At first, final and initial LO_amplitudes do not correspond to the ones in report (f.e. you can see, that initial is 2e4, but in the graph it is at least 5e4). How come?

Secondly, I was expecting that the fit would be better, while all bounds are set.

EDIT 1 - data added

I have posted the full script, only with which is missing is loading the data:

x, y = np.genfromtxt("data.txt", unpack=True)

And here are the data:

3.235230000000000246e+02 8.074899999999997817e+02
3.217950000000000159e+02 7.387500000000000000e+02
3.200659999999999741e+02 8.103400000000001455e+02
3.183369999999999891e+02 9.050399999999999636e+02
3.166080000000000041e+02 1.176100000000000364e+03
3.148790000000000191e+02 1.483189999999999600e+03
3.131490000000000009e+02 1.729449999999999818e+03
3.114189999999999827e+02 2.281949999999999818e+03
3.096890000000000214e+02 2.486050000000000182e+03
3.079580000000000268e+02 2.867739999999999782e+03
3.062269999999999754e+02 3.205949999999999818e+03
3.044950000000000045e+02 4.065239999999999782e+03
3.027629999999999768e+02 5.081539999999999964e+03
3.010310000000000059e+02 6.767100000000000364e+03
2.992989999999999782e+02 9.268700000000000728e+03
2.975659999999999741e+02 1.334320000000000073e+04
2.958319999999999936e+02 1.946429999999999927e+04
2.940989999999999895e+02 2.552240000000000146e+04
2.923650000000000091e+02 2.720209999999999854e+04
2.906309999999999718e+02 2.314690000000000146e+04
2.888960000000000150e+02 1.642840000000000146e+04
2.871610000000000014e+02 1.048929999999999927e+04
2.854259999999999877e+02 6.923909999999999854e+03
2.836899999999999977e+02 4.836300000000000182e+03
2.819540000000000077e+02 3.501239999999999782e+03
2.802169999999999845e+02 2.686470000000000255e+03
2.784809999999999945e+02 2.227590000000000146e+03
2.767440000000000282e+02 1.781840000000000146e+03
2.750059999999999718e+02 1.582319999999999709e+03
2.732679999999999723e+02 1.520989999999999782e+03
2.715299999999999727e+02 2.011989999999999782e+03
2.697919999999999732e+02 3.021930000000000291e+03
2.680529999999999973e+02 4.754640000000000327e+03
2.663140000000000214e+02 5.088010000000000218e+03
2.645740000000000123e+02 3.515579999999999927e+03
2.628340000000000032e+02 2.159310000000000400e+03
2.610939999999999941e+02 1.190029999999999745e+03
2.593530000000000086e+02 7.985300000000002001e+02
2.576120000000000232e+02 5.780700000000001637e+02
2.558710000000000093e+02 4.897800000000002001e+02
2.541289999999999907e+02 3.914800000000000182e+02
2.523870000000000005e+02 3.046999999999998181e+02
2.506450000000000102e+02 3.270000000000000000e+02


  • I get pretty decent looking results by following the advice I gave and providing initial values and not imposing constraints. Did you try that?

    FWIW, I get even better results using a Lorentzian function for the wider LO peak. Try this:

    import numpy as np
    from lmfit.models import GaussianModel, LorentzianModel
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    x, y = np.genfromtxt("data.txt", unpack=True)
    TOmod = GaussianModel(prefix="TO_")
    LOmod = LorentzianModel(prefix="LO_")
    mod = TOmod + LOmod
    pars = mod.make_params(TO_center=268, TO_sigma=2., TO_amplitude=50000,
                           LO_center=292, LO_sigma=4., LO_amplitude=50000)
    out  =, pars, x=x)

    For the alleged difference between graph report:

    As you might have read in the documentation (, amplitude is the multiplier in front of the unit normalized Gaussian function, it is not the largest value the function will take. OTOH, the Parameter LO_height and TO_height are reported and will be the maximum value of the functions. Similarly, sigma is variance not the Full-Width-Half-Maximum, but that is also reported.