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Cannot find control with unspecified name attribute on formArrays

I am trying to iterate over a formArray in my component but I get the following error

Error: Cannot find control with unspecified name attribute

Here is what the logic looks like on my class file

export class AreasFormComponent implements OnInit {
    public initialState: any;
    public areasForm: FormGroup;

    constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) { }

    private area(): any {
          name: ['', [Validators.required]],
          latLong: ['', [Validators.required]],
          details: ['', [Validators.required]]

    public ngOnInit(): void {
        this.areasForm ={
            name: ['', [Validators.required]],
            areas: this.fb.array([this.area()])

and my template file

<form class="areas-form" [formGroup]="areasForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(areasForm.values)">
    <md-input-container class="full-width">
        <input mdInput placeholder="Location Name" type="text" formControlName="name" required>
        <md-error *ngIf="areasForm.get('name').hasError('required')">Please enter the locationName</md-error>
    <md-grid-list cols="1" [formArrayName]="areas">
        <md-grid-tile formGroupName="i"  colspan="1" rowHeight="62px" *ngFor="let area of areasForm.controls.areas.controls; let i = index ">
            <md-grid-list cols="3" rowHeight="60px">
                <md-grid-tile colspan="1">
                    <md-input-container class="full-width">
                        <input mdInput placeholder="Area Name" type="text" formControlName="name" required>
                        <md-error *ngIf="areasForm.get('areas').controls[i].name.hasError('required')">Please enter the area name</md-error>
                <md-grid-tile colspan="1">
                    <md-input-container class="full-width">
                        <input mdInput placeholder="details" type="text" formControlName="details" required>
                        <md-error *ngIf="areasForm.get('areas').controls[i].name.hasError('required')">Please enter the locationName</md-error>
                <md-grid-tile colspan="1">
                    <button md-fab (click)="remove(i)"><md-icon>subtract</md-icon>Remove Area</button>
    <button type="submit" [disabled]="areasForm.invalid" md-raised-button color="primary">Submit</button>


  • Remove the brackets from


    and use only


    This, because with [ ] you are trying to bind a variable, which this is not. Also notice your submit, it should be:


    instead of areasForm.values.