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How to refresh DialogFragment after dismiss of another DialogFragment

I have an AppCompatActivity that, at some point, display a DialogFragment. In this dialog, there are items for which I ask confirmation before deleting them. That confirmation is asked through another Yes/No DialogFragment. When the user clicks Yes in that second dialog, I want the first dialog to refresh its ListView (just need to update the adapter and call its notifyDataSetChanged method). The problem is that I don't know when to update the listview.

Because that delete functionality is called from various sources, I implement a listener Interface at the activity level and call an "onDeleteRequest" event from that interface whenever I need an item to be deleted, and that's the activity who opens up the confirmation dialog and perform the actual delete.

Since I don't care much about refreshing the ListView in unnecessary situations, I tried to update the list in the onResume event, but the event is not called when I come back to the first dialog after the confirmation one is dismissed.

So my question is: how can I know when a dialog B displayed on top of a dialog A has been dismissed so I can refresh dialog A accordingly?

EDIT : A bit of code to support my question:

My activity class:

public class MonthActivity
        extends AppCompatActivity
        implements OnEditCalendarsDialogListener

    //That's where dialog A is shown
    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
        int id = item.getItemId();


        if (id == {
            final CalendarSelection currentSelection = mCalendarSelectionAdapter.getCurrentCalendarSelection();

            if (currentSelection != null) {
                EditCalendarsDialogFragment dialogFragment = EditCalendarsDialogFragment.newInstance(currentSelection);
            return true;

        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);


    //OnEditCalendarsDialogListener interface implementation

    //That's where Dialog B is shown over Dialog A
    public void onEditCalendarsDialogDelete(long calendarID) {
        final Repository repository = Repository.getInstance(this);
        final Calendar calendar = repository.fetchOneByID(Calendar.class, calendarID);

        if (calendar != null) {
            YesNoDialog yesNoDialog = YesNoDialog.newInstance(this, R.string.yes_no_dialog_confirmation, R.string.yes_no_dialog_calendar_delete);
            setCurrentOnDecisionClickListener(new OnPositiveClickListener() {
                public boolean onPositiveClick(DialogInterface dialog) {
                    //Delete calendar
                    //That's where I'd like to notify Dialog A that it needs to be refreshed
                    return true;

My dialog class

public class EditCalendarsDialogFragment
        extends DialogFragment
    private OnEditCalendarsDialogListener mDialogListener;

    public static EditCalendarsDialogFragment newInstance(CalendarSelection calendarSelection) {
        EditCalendarsDialogFragment dialog = new EditCalendarsDialogFragment();
        Bundle arguments = new Bundle();

        if (calendarSelection != null) {
            arguments.putLong(KEY_ID, calendarSelection.getID());
        else {
            arguments.putLong(KEY_ID, 0L);


        return dialog;


    public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
        try {
            mDialogListener = (OnEditCalendarsDialogListener) activity;
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString() + " must implement OnCalendarSelectionDialogListener");


    private View getLayoutView() {
        View rootView = getActivity().getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.calendar_list, null, false);

        if (rootView != null) {
            mCalendars = (ListView) rootView.findViewById(;
            if (mCalendars != null) {
                //Create adaptor
                mCalendarAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<Calendar>(
                        new ArrayList<Calendar>()
                ) {
                    public View getView(int position, @Nullable View convertView, @NonNull ViewGroup parent) {
                        View view = super.getView(position, convertView, parent);

                        final Calendar calendar = getItem(position);

                        if (calendar != null && calendar.hasID()) {
                            view.setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener() {
                                public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
                                    if (mDialogListener != null) {
                                        //That's where I request delete from calling activity
                                    return true;

                        return view;

        return rootView;



  • OK, so I finally used the "over-abusive-callback" method.

    I created the following interface:

    public interface OnDeletedListener {
        void onDeleted();

    Updated the OnEditCalendarsDialogListener interface so that the callback has a callback to this interface too:

    public interface OnEditCalendarsDialogListener {
        void onEditCalendarsDialogDelete(long calendarID, OnDeletedListener onDeletedListener);

    Implemented the OnDeletedListener interface in "Dialog A" class:

    public class EditCalendarsDialogFragment
            extends DialogFragment
            implements OnDeletedListener
        //OnDeletedListener interface implementation
        public void onDeleted() {
            //That's where I'm called back after item is deleted
        private View getLayoutView() {
            view.setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener() {
                public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
                    if (mDialogListener != null) {
                        //That's where I request delete from calling activity, asking to call me back once deleted
                        mDialogListener.onEditCalendarsDialogDelete(calendar.getID(), EditCalendarsDialogFragment.this);
                    return true;

    And finally, call the callback when delete is accepted and performed:

    public class MonthActivity
            extends AppCompatActivity
            implements OnEditCalendarsDialogListener
        //OnEditCalendarsDialogListener interface implementation
        //That's where Dialog B is shown over Dialog A
        public void onEditCalendarsDialogDelete(long calendarID, final OnDeletedListener onDeletedListener) {
            final Repository repository = Repository.getInstance(this);
            final Calendar calendar = repository.fetchOneByID(Calendar.class, calendarID);
            if (calendar != null) {
                YesNoDialog yesNoDialog = YesNoDialog.newInstance(this, R.string.yes_no_dialog_confirmation, R.string.yes_no_dialog_calendar_delete);
                setCurrentOnDecisionClickListener(new OnPositiveClickListener() {
                    public boolean onPositiveClick(DialogInterface dialog) {
                        //Delete calendar
                        //That's where I notify Dialog A that it needs to be refreshed
                        if (onDeletedListener != null) {
                        return true;

    Works smoothly!