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Find Maximal Value of other Rows per Group

I have a simple table with values (ID) in groups (GRP_ID).

create table tst as
select 1 grp_id, 1 id from dual union all
select 1 grp_id, 1 id from dual union all
select 1 grp_id, 2 id from dual union all
select 2 grp_id, 1 id from dual union all
select 2 grp_id, 2 id from dual union all
select 2 grp_id, 2 id from dual union all
select 3 grp_id, 3 id from dual; 

It is straightforward to find a maximum value per group using analytical functions.

select grp_id, id,
max(id) over (partition by grp_id) max_grp
from tst
order by 1,2;

    GRP_ID         ID    MAX_GRP
---------- ---------- ----------
         1          1          2 
         1          1          2 
         1          2          2 
         2          1          2 
         2          2          2 
         2          2          2 
         3          3          3 

But the goal is to find the maximum value excluding the value of the current row.

This is the expected result (column MAX_OTHER_ID):

---------- ---------- ---------- ------------
         1          1          2            2 
         1          1          2            2 
         1          2          2            1 
         2          1          2            2 
         2          2          2            2  
         2          2          2            2 
         3          3          3              

Note that in the GRP_ID = 2 a tie on the MAX value exists, so the MAX_OTHER_ID remains the same.

I did manage this two step solution, but I'm wondering if there is a more straightforward and simple solution.

with max1 as (
select grp_id, id,
row_number() over (partition by grp_id order by id desc) rn
from tst
select GRP_ID, ID, 
case when rn = 1 /* MAX row per group */ then
  max(decode(rn,1,to_number(null),id)) over (partition by grp_id)
   max(id) over (partition by grp_id)
end as max_other_id   
from max1
order by 1,2



  • I wish the window functions supported multiple range specifications something like:

    max(id) over (
            partition by grp_id 
            order by id 
            range between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding
            or range between 1 following and unbounded following

    But unfortunately they don't.

    As a workaround, you can avoid subqueries and CTEs using the function twice on the different ranges and call coalesce on that.

    select grp_id,
                max(id) over (
                    partition by grp_id
                    order by id 
                    range between 1 following and unbounded following
                , max(id) over (
                    partition by grp_id 
                    order by id 
                    range between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding
                ) max_grp
    from tst
    order by 1,

    Coalesce works out of the box because of the ordering clause as the result of the window function call will be either the max in the given window or a null value.

    Demo -