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Coq how to pretty-print a term constructed using tactics?

I'm new to Coq and am doing some exercises to get more familiar with it.

My understanding is that proving a proposition in Coq "really" is writing down a type in Gallina and then showing that it's inhabited using tactics to combine terms together in deterministic ways.

I'm wondering if there's a way to get a pretty-printed representation of the actual term, with all the tactics removed.

In the example below, an anonymous term of type plus_comm (x y : N) : plus x y = plus y x is ultimately produced... I think. What should I do if I want to look at it? In a certain sense, I'm curious what the tactics "desugar" to.

Here's the code in question, lifted essentially verbatim from a tutorial on YouTube

Inductive N : Type :=
| O : N
| S : N -> N

Fixpoint plus (x y : N) : N :=
match x with
| O => y
| S x' => S (plus x' y)

Lemma plus_0 (x : N) : plus x O = x.

  induction x.
  - simpl. reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite IHx. reflexivity.

Lemma plus_S (x y : N) : plus x (S y) = S(plus x y).

  induction x.
  - simpl. reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite IHx. reflexivity.

Lemma plus_comm (x y : N) : plus x y = plus y x.

  induction x.
  - simpl. rewrite plus_0. reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite IHx. rewrite plus_S. reflexivity.


  • First of all, plus_comm is not a part of the type. You get a term named plus_comm of type forall x y : N, plus x y = plus y x. You can check it using the following command

    Check plus_comm.

    So, an alternative way of defining the plus_comm lemma is

    Lemma plus_comm : forall x y : N, plus x y = plus y x.

    As a side note: in this case you'll need to add intros x y. (or just intros.) after the Proof. part.

    Tactics (and the means to glue them together) are a metalanguage called Ltac, because they are used to produce terms of another language, called Gallina, which is the specification language of Coq.

    For example, forall x y : N, plus x y = plus y x is an instance of Gallina sentence as well as the body of the plus function. To obtain the term attached to plus_comm use the Print command:

    Print plus_comm.
    plus_comm = 
    fun x y : N =>
    N_ind (fun x0 : N => plus x0 y = plus y x0)
      (eq_ind_r (fun n : N => y = n) eq_refl (plus_0 y))
      (fun (x0 : N) (IHx : plus x0 y = plus y x0) =>
       eq_ind_r (fun n : N => S n = plus y (S x0))
         (eq_ind_r (fun n : N => S (plus y x0) = n) eq_refl (plus_S y x0))
         IHx) x
         : forall x y : N, plus x y = plus y x

    It is not an easy read, but with some experience you'll be able to understand it.

    Incidentally, here is how we could have proved the lemma not using tactics:

    Definition plus_comm : forall x y : N, plus x y = plus y x :=
      fix IH (x y : N) :=
        match x return plus x y = plus y x with
        | O => eq_sym (plus_0 y)
        | S x => eq_ind _ (fun p => S p = plus y (S x)) (eq_sym (plus_S y x)) _ (eq_sym (IH x y))

    To explain a few things: fix is the means of defining recursive functions, eq_sym is used to change x = y into y = x, and eq_ind corresponds to the rewrite tactic.