I have a trouble with LSF alljoyn 15.04, I build LSF in ubuntu 16.04 success but I cannot run any app. I'm receiving Notification whenever I run the ./lighting_controller_client_sample
in service_framework-15.04/core/service_framework/build/linux/standard_core_library/lighting_controller_client/samples
./lighting_controller_client_sample: symbol lookup error: ./lighting_controller_client_sample: undefined symbol: _ZN3ajn15_RemoteEndpoint17PushMessageRouterERN3qcc10ManagedObjINS_8_MessageEEERm
How can I fix it?
Sounds like it can't find cpp libs (the .a and .so files). In which case you need to define LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
For example, if you are building alljoyn with scons, then define the following environment variable before running your sample.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/core/alljoyn/build/linux/x86_64/release/dist/cpp/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/core/alljoyn/build/linux/x86_64/debug/dist/cpp/lib
That will at least allow it to find the alljoyn cpp lib files.