I have data in a data frame where one column is a list. This is an example:
rand_lets <- function(){
sample(letters[1:26], runif(sample(1:10, 1), min=5, max=12))
example_data <- data.frame(ID = seq(1:5),
location = LETTERS[1:5],
observations = I(list(rand_lets(),
I am looking for an elegant tidyverse approach to unlist the list column so that each element in the list is separated into a new column. For example the first row would look like this:
ID location observations observations.1 observations.3 observations.3 observations.4 observations.5 observations.6 observations.7 observations.8 observations.9
1 A "y" "b" "m" "u" "x" "j" "t" "i" "v" "w"
Of course the lists entries may be different lengths so empty cells should be NA.
How could this be done?
If you want to keep your data in "long" format, you can do:
example_data %>% unnest(observations)
ID location observations 1 1 A e 2 1 A x 3 1 A w ... 44 5 E u 45 5 E o 46 5 E z
To spread the data to "wide" format, as in your example, you can do:
example_data %>% unnest(observations) %>%
group_by(location) %>%
mutate(counter=paste0("Obs_", str_pad(1:n(),2,"left","0"))) %>%
spread(counter, observations)
ID location Obs_01 Obs_02 Obs_03 Obs_04 Obs_05 Obs_06 Obs_07 Obs_08 Obs_09 Obs_10 Obs_11 * <int> <fctr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> 1 1 A e x w c s j k t z <NA> <NA> 2 2 B k u d h z x <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> 3 3 C v z m o s f n c r u b 4 4 D z i m s a v n r e t x 5 5 E f b g h a d u o z <NA> <NA>