I am writing a method to handle direction for Tetris and am confused about the logic to write hard drop. the move method is called whenever a key is pressed.
public void move(Direction direction) {
if (canMove(direction)) {
switch (direction) {
case DOWN:
row = row + 1;
case LEFT:
col = col - 1;
case RIGHT:
col = col + 1;
case DROP:
for(int i = row; i < Grid.HEIGHT; i ++){
row = row + 1;
My idea is to find the furthest open space where the block can hard drop and it will repeat going down rows until it hits that space to hard drop.
Edit: This is my canMove method and I've changed my case drop, instant drop does work, however, there seems to be a problem with collision when drop key is used. I dont quite understand why
public boolean canMove(Direction direction) {
if (!ableToMove)
return false;
boolean move = true;
// if the given direction is blocked, we can't move
// remember to check the edges of the grid
switch (direction) {
case DOWN:
if (row == (Grid.HEIGHT - 1) || grid.isSet(row + 1, col))
move = false;
case DROP:
if (row == (Grid.HEIGHT - 1) || grid.isSet(row + 1, col))
move = false;
// currently doesn't support checking LEFT or RIGHT
// MODIFY so that it correctly returns if it can move left or right
case LEFT:
if (col == (0) || grid.isSet(row, col-1))
move = false;
case RIGHT:
if (row == (Grid.WIDTH - 1) || grid.isSet(row, col+1))
move = false;
return move;
The required change in DROP
case is
case DROP:
row = row + 1;