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How do I get Visual Studio 2017 Evaluation to recognize .NET Framework 4.6.2 installed?

1) I did a clean install of Visual Studio 2017 Professional Evaluation copy on a brand new Dell laptop. 2) I tried to import and open a project solution which had been running on another computer with Visual Studio 2015 Professional full copy. Both computers run on Windows 10 Professional and fully updated. 3) Received error from Visual Studio upon solution import which said I could not load the project unless I changed the target of the.NET framework from 4.6.2 to .NET 4.6.1. because the 4.6.2 was not found on my machine. 4) Verified that 4.6.2 was in the registry 5) Tried to download a fresh install of 4.6.2 but it would not install because it also found 4.6.2 on the machine. 6) I also tried to load the project as 4.6.1 and then go in via the properties to change the target to 4.6.2 but had the same results.

Any suggestions as to how I can either get Visual Studio 2017 to recognize the 4.6.2 or uninstall 4.6.2 and reinstall?registry entry for .NET framework 4.6.2


  • The Runtime version and Target versions are different things. You need to run Visual Studio 2017 setup and select .net 4.6.2 SDK/Targeting pack under Individual Components:

    enter image description here

    They are not selected by default in VS2017. You have to do this for .net 4.7 as well, this is also not installed by default.