I'm using git for 1 month. I'm pushing my Android Projects to Bitbucket.
Sometimes I'm getting error like
fatal: Unable to find remote helper for 'https'
But as I said I'm using git for 1 month actually it run nice.
I searched so many times. I'm using Windows 10 Pro and git-2-12.2.2
Try and make sure to reset (for testing) your path in a CMD session (again, just for testing, in that one CMD session):
set GH=C:\path\to\git2.12.2.2
set PATH=C:\windows\system32;C:\windows\System32\Wbem;C:\windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
set PATH=%GH%\bin;%GH%\usr\bin;%GH%\mingw64\bin;%PATH%
Then try again to push.
If this is not working, Try setting up and register an ssh key and, as a workaround, use an ssh url:
git remote set-url origin git@bitbucket.org:username/repo.git