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I am learning Swift, and I am creating a simple dice roll app, I can't seem to find what's wrong with the code

The gist of the app is simple, you press the little dice image, it runs a function that returns a random number from 1-6, the boxes on the screen reflect what it would look like on a dice, and the colored box labels are updated with the number as you roll the dice. When I run the app, everything looks good at the beginning. As soon as I hit the dice button, the randomDiceRoll() function runs, but the colored box labels and UIView boxes (the ones that reflect what it would look like on a dice) don't match up. Again, I am just learning Swift so please cut me some slack.

Here is the code:

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet var upperLeft: UIView!

@IBOutlet var midLeft: UIView!

@IBOutlet var lowerLeft: UIView!

@IBOutlet var middle: UIView!

@IBOutlet var upperRight: UIView!

@IBOutlet var midRight: UIView!

@IBOutlet var lowerRight: UIView!

@IBOutlet var redBox: UILabel!

@IBOutlet var orangeBox: UILabel!

@IBOutlet var yellowBox: UILabel!

@IBOutlet var greenBox: UILabel!

@IBOutlet var blueBox: UILabel!

@IBOutlet var purpleBox: UILabel!

override func viewDidLoad() {

    redBox.isHidden = true
    orangeBox.isHidden = true
    yellowBox.isHidden = true
    greenBox.isHidden = true
    blueBox.isHidden = true
    purpleBox.isHidden = true

func randomDiceRoll() -> Int {
    return Int(arc4random_uniform(6) + 1)

func updateLabelWithRoll(roll: Int) {
    let diceScore = String(roll)
    if redBox.isHidden {
        redBox.text = diceScore
        redBox.isHidden = false
    } else if orangeBox.isHidden {
        orangeBox.text = diceScore
        orangeBox.isHidden = false
    } else if yellowBox.isHidden {
        yellowBox.text = diceScore
        yellowBox.isHidden = false
    } else if greenBox.isHidden {
        greenBox.text = diceScore
        greenBox.isHidden = false
    } else if blueBox.isHidden {
        blueBox.text = diceScore
        blueBox.isHidden = false
    } else if purpleBox.isHidden {
        purpleBox.text = diceScore
        purpleBox.isHidden = false
    } else {
        redBox.isHidden = true
        orangeBox.isHidden = true
        yellowBox.isHidden = true
        greenBox.isHidden = true
        blueBox.isHidden = true
        purpleBox.isHidden = true

@IBAction func buttonPress(_ sender: Any) {
    updateLabelWithRoll(roll: randomDiceRoll())
    if randomDiceRoll() == 1 {
        upperLeft.isHidden = true
        midLeft.isHidden = true
        lowerLeft.isHidden = true
        upperRight.isHidden = true
        midRight.isHidden = true
        lowerRight.isHidden = true
        middle.isHidden = false
    if randomDiceRoll() == 2 {
        upperLeft.isHidden = false
        midLeft.isHidden = true
        lowerLeft.isHidden = true
        upperRight.isHidden = true
        midRight.isHidden = true
        lowerRight.isHidden = false
        middle.isHidden = true
    if randomDiceRoll() == 3 {
        upperLeft.isHidden = false
        midLeft.isHidden = true
        lowerLeft.isHidden = true
        upperRight.isHidden = true
        midRight.isHidden = true
        lowerRight.isHidden = false
        middle.isHidden = false
    if randomDiceRoll() == 4 {
        upperLeft.isHidden = false
        midLeft.isHidden = true
        lowerLeft.isHidden = false
        upperRight.isHidden = false
        midRight.isHidden = true
        lowerRight.isHidden = false
        middle.isHidden = true
    if randomDiceRoll() == 5 {
        upperLeft.isHidden = false
        midLeft.isHidden = true
        lowerLeft.isHidden = false
        upperRight.isHidden = false
        midRight.isHidden = true
        lowerRight.isHidden = false
        middle.isHidden = false
    if randomDiceRoll() == 6 {
        upperLeft.isHidden = false
        midLeft.isHidden = false
        lowerLeft.isHidden = false
        upperRight.isHidden = false
        midRight.isHidden = false
        lowerRight.isHidden = false
        middle.isHidden = true

override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

When the app loads:

ViewDidLoad screen, no actions have been performed yet.

After one button press:

After one button press

After two button presses:

After two button presses

And so on..(app just repeats itself) There would be 6 colored label boxes in total.


  • I think that your issue is you are calling the randomDiceRoll() function multiple times rather than once and using the result. Each time you call randomDiceRoll() it will return a NEW random number, You should call this once and keep the result in memory for comparison

    refactor your code so that you assign the result of the function to a variable and use the variable to compare, like so

    @IBAction func buttonPress(_ sender: Any) {
        let score = randomDiceRoll()
        updateLabelWithRoll(roll: score)
        if score == 1 {
            upperLeft.isHidden = true
            midLeft.isHidden = true
            lowerLeft.isHidden = true
            upperRight.isHidden = true
            midRight.isHidden = true
            lowerRight.isHidden = true
            middle.isHidden = false
        if score == 2 {
            upperLeft.isHidden = false
            midLeft.isHidden = true
            lowerLeft.isHidden = true
            upperRight.isHidden = true
            midRight.isHidden = true
            lowerRight.isHidden = false
            middle.isHidden = true
        if score == 3 {
            upperLeft.isHidden = false
            midLeft.isHidden = true
            lowerLeft.isHidden = true
            upperRight.isHidden = true
            midRight.isHidden = true
            lowerRight.isHidden = false
            middle.isHidden = false
        if score == 4 {
            upperLeft.isHidden = false
            midLeft.isHidden = true
            lowerLeft.isHidden = false
            upperRight.isHidden = false
            midRight.isHidden = true
            lowerRight.isHidden = false
            middle.isHidden = true
        if score == 5 {
            upperLeft.isHidden = false
            midLeft.isHidden = true
            lowerLeft.isHidden = false
            upperRight.isHidden = false
            midRight.isHidden = true
            lowerRight.isHidden = false
            middle.isHidden = false
        if score == 6 {
            upperLeft.isHidden = false
            midLeft.isHidden = false
            lowerLeft.isHidden = false
            upperRight.isHidden = false
            midRight.isHidden = false
            lowerRight.isHidden = false
            middle.isHidden = true

    I would also recommend using a switch statement instead of multiple if statements..

    @IBAction func buttonPress(_ sender: Any) {
        let score = randomDiceRoll()
        updateLabelWithRoll(roll: score)
        switch score {
        case 1:
            upperLeft.isHidden = true
            midLeft.isHidden = true
            lowerLeft.isHidden = true
            upperRight.isHidden = true
            midRight.isHidden = true
            lowerRight.isHidden = true
            middle.isHidden = false
        case 2:
            upperLeft.isHidden = false
            midLeft.isHidden = true
            lowerLeft.isHidden = true
            upperRight.isHidden = true
            midRight.isHidden = true
            lowerRight.isHidden = false
            middle.isHidden = true
        case 3:
            upperLeft.isHidden = false
            midLeft.isHidden = true
            lowerLeft.isHidden = true
            upperRight.isHidden = true
            midRight.isHidden = true
            lowerRight.isHidden = false
            middle.isHidden = false
        case 4:
            upperLeft.isHidden = false
            midLeft.isHidden = true
            lowerLeft.isHidden = false
            upperRight.isHidden = false
            midRight.isHidden = true
            lowerRight.isHidden = false
            middle.isHidden = true
        case 5:
            upperLeft.isHidden = false
            midLeft.isHidden = true
            lowerLeft.isHidden = false
            upperRight.isHidden = false
            midRight.isHidden = true
            lowerRight.isHidden = false
            middle.isHidden = false
        case 6:
            upperLeft.isHidden = false
            midLeft.isHidden = false
            lowerLeft.isHidden = false
            upperRight.isHidden = false
            midRight.isHidden = false
            lowerRight.isHidden = false
            middle.isHidden = true