Hello All I am currently having issues tryin to use one guard let for a couple of textfield instaed of multiple guard let for each textfield and an UIAlertController if any textfield is empty. This is the code I tried below. But the alert controller is not being called. Can someone please advise me what am doing wrong
@IBAction func submitBankInfo(_ textField: UITextField) {
guard let accountOwner = accountOwnerTxt.text, accountOwner !
= "", let accountNumber = accountNumberTxt.text, accountNumber !
= "", let bvn = bvnTxt.text, bvn != "", let bankName =
nameOfBankTxt.text, bankName != "" else {
if textField.text == nil {
switch textField {
case accountNumberTxt:
OperationQueue.main.addOperation {
self.showAlert(title: "Error!", message: "Account is required.Please enter your number")
case bvnTxt:
OperationQueue.main.addOperation {
self.showAlert(title: "Error!", message: "BVN is required.Please enter your bank verification number(BVN)")
case nameOfBankTxt:
OperationQueue.main.addOperation {
self.showAlert(title: "Error!", message: "Bank name required.Please enter your bank name")
You could use an embedded function to generalize the validation and keep your guard statement focused on the valid scenario.
@IBAction func submitBankInfo(_ textField: UITextField)
func validField(_ field:UITextField, _ message:String) -> String?
if let fieldValue = field.text, fieldValue != ""
{ return fieldValue }
{ self.showAlert(title: "Error!", message: message) }
return nil
guard let accountOwner = validField(accountOwnerTxt, "Account owner is required.Please enter your identification"),
let accountNumber = validField(accountNumberTxt,"Account is required.Please enter your number"),
let bvn = validField(bvnTxt, "BVN is required.Please enter your bank verification number(BVN)"),
let bankName = validField(nameOfBankTxt, "Bank name required.Please enter your bank name")
else { return }
// proceed with valid data ...