Is there a way in Azure to find if a VM in azure created to with Managed/Unmanaged disks?
We can use PowerShell to list the information of Azure VM.
Here is the Unmanaged disks VM output:
PS C:\Users> (get-azurermvm -ResourceGroupName jasonvn -Name jasonvm1).StorageProfile.OsDisk
StorageProfile and NetworkProfile, respectively.
OsType : Linux
EncryptionSettings :
Name : jasonvm1
Vhd : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualHardDisk
Image :
Caching : ReadWrite
CreateOption : FromImage
DiskSizeGB :
ManagedDisk :
Here is the Managed disks VM output:
PS C:\Users> (get-azurermvm -ResourceGroupName jasonvn -Name jasonvm).StorageProfile.OsDisk
StorageProfile and NetworkProfile, respectively.
OsType : Linux
EncryptionSettings :
Name : jasonvm
Vhd :
Image :
Caching : ReadWrite
CreateOption : FromImage
DiskSizeGB : 30
ManagedDisk : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.ManagedDiskParameters
Another way, we can use Azure new portal to check automation script to find it: