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Catching Errors with Google Classroom API

What's the right way to catch errors using the Google Classroom API?

I'm trying to do something like:{
  pageSize: 100
}).then((response) => {
  return process(response);

But if a Google user who doesn't have a Classroom account executes this code, it throws an error, and I'm unclear on how to catch/handle it.

I've tried wrapping this block of code with a try {...} catch(error) {...} and that doesn't catch it. I've also tried adding a .catch(function(error){ ... }); after then .then() statement and that also doesn't seem to work.


  • The answer is here:

    The .then call takes two arguments. The first is a function invoked on success, and the second is a function invoked on failure:

      function(response) {
        return process(response);
      function(errorResponse) {
        return handleError(errorResponse);