I have a confusion about switchMap in rxjs Observable:
for example i have next code:
Observable.fromEvent(button, 'click')
.switchMap(() => Observable.fromPromise(fetch('http://return-error.com')))
(response) => {
(error) => {
If I get error from fetch, subscription is interrupted. So is there way to handle it to not create new subscription for any error?
I have even tried to catch error and return Observable, but subscription is interrupted anyway.
upd: how to deal with angular 2 http.get instead of fetch?
It's always more helpful if you make a Bin when asking these questions. I did it for you on this one.
You simply need to swallow the error in the fetch call. E.g.
fetch('bad-url').catch(err => 'Error but keep going')
Here's the demo. Click the document (output) to fire the event.
(You'll need a browser with native Fetch implementation or it'll throw an error)