I read about stack and grid in Zebble for Xamarin in link below
After that, I try to create metro UI for Zebble, but I do not know how I can create the different size of the grid or stack like a windows phone main menu and I provide a screen shot from it in below.
then I try to create something with a grid element to show a table of text with some background like metro UI in below code
<Grid Columns="2">
<z-Component z-type="Cell" z-base="GridCell[Stack]">
<TextView Text="One" Style.BackgroundColor="#cccccc"></TextView>
<TextView Text="Two" Style.BackgroundColor="#ccffee"></TextView>
<TextView Text="Three" Style.BackgroundColor="#ffcccc"></TextView>
<TextView Text="Four" Style.BackgroundColor="#ccccff"></TextView>
but, nothing changed on my page
To create something like an image you uploaded, you can use stack element to show menus or items like a metro UI in windows phones.
I make something like metro UI to show you, how you can create something like metro UI with SCSS and Zebble for Xamarin extension.
This is a stylesheet of your application on windows platform:
.metroItemType2 {
width: 25%;
height: 50px;
margin: 3px;
.metroItemType3 {
width: auto;
height: 34px;
margin: 3px;
This is a stylesheet of your MetroUI Module in Zebble:
MetroUI Module.zbl
<z-Component z-type="MetroUI"
<Stack Direction="Horizontal">
<Stack CssClass="metroItemType1" Style.BackgroundColor="#d2ff52">
<Stack CssClass="metroItemType2" Style.BackgroundColor="#4575D3">
</Stack >
<Stack Direction="Horizontal">
<Stack CssClass="metroItemType1" Style.BackgroundColor="#4575D3">
<Stack CssClass="metroItemType2" Style.BackgroundColor="#235C6B">
</Stack >
<Stack Direction="Horizontal">
<Stack CssClass="metroItemType1" Style.BackgroundColor="#F2E24F">
<Stack CssClass="metroItemType3" Style.BackgroundColor="#713093">