NPM packages
I published angular2
component to nexus npm repository
. When I viewed it form nexus console I can view it. Can npm packages may have group? Seems like there are 3 fields for npm published packages in the nexus console, name, group
, version.
I'm using nexus repository manager 3.2.1 pro
The Nexus 3 docs say:
The npm Group is equivalent to the component group, also sometimes referred to as scope by npm users.
The npmjs Documentation describes scope as optional:
All npm packages have a name. Some package names also have a scope.[...]When used in package names, scopes are preceded by an @ symbol and followed by a slash
So most of the time, the 'Group' column will be blank when browsing an NPM repository in Nexus 3. If you were to install a scoped package like @angular/router into your NPM Proxy repository inside Nexus 3, the Nexus Browse Components UI would show 'angular' in the Group column.