I need ability to parse ISO3 code into ISO3166 in Python.
Because of that I want to add iso3166 Python module to my Conda environment. I always receive this error:
PackageNotFoundError: Package not found: Conda could not find '
And this is what I tried (according to link1 or link2):
(my_env) Kamils-MacBook-Pro:~ F1sherKK$ conda install -c mcrot iso3166=0.7
Fetching package metadata ...........
PackageNotFoundError: Package not found: Conda could not find '
(my_env) Kamils-MacBook-Pro:~ F1sherKK$ conda install -c mcrot iso3166=0.8
Fetching package metadata ...........
PackageNotFoundError: Package not found: Conda could not find '
(my_env) Kamils-MacBook-Pro:~ F1sherKK$ conda install -c auto iso3166=0.8
Fetching package metadata ...........
PackageNotFoundError: Package not found: Conda could not find '
(my_env) Kamils-MacBook-Pro:~ F1sherKK$ conda install -c auto iso3166=0.5
Fetching package metadata ...........
PackageNotFoundError: Package not found: Conda could not find '
(my_env) Kamils-MacBook-Pro:~ F1sherKK$ conda install iso3166
Fetching package metadata .........
How can I install it so I can share it with other team members?
If you look closely at the contents of the webpage at https://anaconda.org/mcrot/iso3166 , you will notice that the conda package is only available for platforms: Linux(64bit) and Windows(64bit) and is not available for OSX(32/64bit), hence conda keeps telling you that the package is not found.
As to the issue of conda not stating exactly what was not found, the bug was reported at https://github.com/conda/conda/issues/4860, fixed and released in v4.3.16