I would like to know how I could make child pages (more than 10k) inherit a parent page plugin.
The old way to make a plugin, was to create a pi1/class.tx_extkey_pi1.php
file that extends \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Plugin\AbstractPlugin
and that it was easy to set in parent page and automatically the children pages.
Now, with an Extbase MVC plugin, I've got controllers than extend ActionController
but I can't make it recursive.
Does somebody know a way to do it?
Big thank you for any help
Classes that inherit from AbstractPlugin
(so called Pi-Based-Plugins) where invoked in TypoScript like this:
page = PAGE
page.10 = USER
page.10 {
userFunc = tx_myext_pi1->main
Using the Extbase MVC dispatcher, plugins are called like the following - this will call the first registered action of the first registered controller in ext_localconf.php
page = PAGE
page.10 = USER
page.10 {
userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
vendorName = MyVendor
extensionName = MyExtension
pluginName = MyPlugin
However, there's a work-around to select a specific action in TypoScript using switchableControllerActions
- the follow TypoScript invokes MyVendor\MyExtension\MyController::myAction()
page = PAGE
page.10 = USER
page.10 {
userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
vendorName = MyVendor
extensionName = MyExtension
pluginName = MyPlugin
switchableControllerActions {
My { // automatically expanded to class name "MyController"
0 = my // automatically expanded to method name "myAction"