Filebeat is installed on machine from where logs will be read and sent to elastic search server. From test machine, using elasticsearch-dsl
, I am reading logs and writing it to file.
Orig Log from machine :
[Timestamp][INFO] AAAAAA
[Timestamp][INFO] BBBBBB
[Timestamp][INFO] CCCCCC
After searching and writing logs to output file :
[Timestamp][INFO] CCCCCC
[Timestamp][INFO] AAAAAA
[Timestamp][INFO] BBBBBB
How to keep the sequence of log intact or as it is?
Code :
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Search, Q, Index
import time
#Make Connection
es = Elasticsearch([""])
#Create Index Object
ind = Index("filebeat-*",using=es)
#Clear Cache
#Create Search object for this index
sear =
#Create query
sear = sear.query("match",host="WIN-LK9FS7568K4").query("match",tags="old_log")
res = sear.execute(ignore_cache=True)
print int(
with open("a.txt","w") as fh:
for i in sear.scan():
You need to sort your logs by timestamp. Change your search code to this:
sear = sear.sort('timestamp')
Of course you need to change timestamp
to match your timestamp field.