Search code examples

Getting log file as it is using Elastic search


Filebeat is installed on machine from where logs will be read and sent to elastic search server. From test machine, using elasticsearch-dsl, I am reading logs and writing it to file.


Orig Log from machine :

[Timestamp][INFO] AAAAAA
[Timestamp][INFO] BBBBBB
[Timestamp][INFO] CCCCCC

After searching and writing logs to output file :

[Timestamp][INFO] CCCCCC
[Timestamp][INFO] AAAAAA
[Timestamp][INFO] BBBBBB

How to keep the sequence of log intact or as it is?

Code :

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Search, Q, Index
import time
#Make Connection
es =  Elasticsearch([""])

#Create Index Object
ind = Index("filebeat-*",using=es)
#Clear Cache
#Create Search object for this index
sear =

#Create query
sear =  sear.query("match",host="WIN-LK9FS7568K4").query("match",tags="old_log")
res = sear.execute(ignore_cache=True)
print int(

with open("a.txt","w") as fh:
    for i in sear.scan():


  • You need to sort your logs by timestamp. Change your search code to this:

    sear =  sear.sort('timestamp')

    Of course you need to change timestamp to match your timestamp field.