Is there a tool available for making rest calls to api endpoints. My task is to sequentially run a list of commands where one command uses some response of previous command and runs. I checked postman which allows me to run multiple requests simultaneously using collections but how can I use a response and use it for the next post request and Automate the whole process? Or is there any other tool which would help?
In postman You can set environment variables with the results and then use them in the next requests.
Checkout out postman's docs. chaining requests
Another way would be by using a simple javaScript in NodeJS. Ex: (get the first github user´s follower in 2 chained requests):
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
.then(function(gituhubUser) {
return gituhubUser.json();
.then(function(gituhubUserJSON) {
return fetch(gituhubUserJSON.followers_url)
.then(function(followers) {
return followers.json();
.then(function(followersJSON) {
.catch(function(err) {