Hi i am new to Angular 2. I am using angular2 mdl dialog and i want to close dialog when login is success. But i dont know how to close dialog.Can any one help me please
<mdl-dialog #loginDialog [mdl-dialog-config]="{
clickOutsideToClose: true,
openFrom: loginButton,
enterTransitionDuration: 400,
leaveTransitionDuration: 400}">
<h3 class="mdl-dialog__title">Login</h3>
<div class="mdl-dialog__content">
<form name='loginForm' #loginForm="ngForm">
<md-icon class="inputIcon">perm_identity</md-icon>
<input type="text" mdInput name="Email" [(ngModel)]="userEmail" placeholder="Email" #Email="ngModel" pattern="^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$" required>
<div [hidden]="Email.valid || Email.pristine" class="error">
Email is invalid!
<md-icon class="inputIcon">lock</md-icon>
<input type="password" mdInput name="Password" [(ngModel)]="password" placeholder="Password" required>
<button class="btn loginBlue" [disabled]="!loginForm.form.valid" (click)="loginEmail(); false">Login</button>
<p style="text-align: center;font-size: 14px;font-family: 'Open Sans';color: #909090;margin-top: 20px;margin-bottom: 15px;">or</p>
<button class="loginRed" (click)="loginGoogle(); false"><img src="/images/google_icon.png" class="google">Login using google</button>
It seems you are using the declarative dialog form http://mseemann.io/angular2-mdl/dialogs-declarative. The sources for this demo can be found here: https://github.com/mseemann/angular2-mdl/blob/master/src/demo-app/app/dialog-declarative/dialog-declarative.component.ts
In your code you have to grab the reference (#loginDialog
) for your loginDialog from the view template in your ts file (component file):
@ViewChild('loginDialog') loginDialog: MdlDialogComponent;
in you loginGoogle methode you can now do:
public loginDialog() {
// do the login and if you are done: