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CloudMade + Android

Good afternoon,

i write in order to ask a question about the use of the API KEY. I'm developing an application for Android, so i use the service provided for for using the api maps. But the problem is the following:

when i use the code proposed by nutiteq:

    mapComponent = new BasicMapComponent("115f89503138416a242f40fb7d7f338e4b73e583e8e343.19717285", 
            "TouristEye", "TouristEye", 1, 1,
            new WgsPoint(mCenter.getLong(), mCenter.getLat()), 10);
    mapComponent.setMap(new CloudMade(" 24c1c76c612248f7acd23978088bfb3a", 64, 1));

the API Key i ask for Cloud Made doesn't work correctly and i can't use the maps. I selected mobile use when i get the Api key and have passed more than hour since i asked for it.

Hope you can help me.


  • public CloudMade(java.lang.String licenseKey,
                 java.lang.String userid,
                 int tileSize,
                 int mapLayout)

    You must add your userid after your licenseKey.
