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SnappyData snappy-sql PUT INTO cause is already set

I was using SnappyData SQL shell(snappy-sql) and running sql statements (PUT INTO) and ran into the error:

ERROR 38000: (SQLState=38000 Severity=20000) (Server=localhost/[1528] Thread=pool-3-thread-3) The exception 'com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.engine.jdbc.GemFireXDRuntimeException: myID: s4-03(19442)<v1>:43452, caused by java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: is already set' was thrown while evaluating an expression.
Caused by: ServerException: Server STACK: java.sql.SQLException(38000): The exception 'com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.engine.jdbc.GemFireXDRuntimeException: myID: s4-03(19442)<v1>:43452, caused by java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: is already set' was thrown while evaluating an expression.
    at com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.iapi.error.StandardException.newException(
    at com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.engine.Misc.processFunctionException(
    at com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.engine.Misc.processFunctionException(
    at com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.engine.sql.execute.SnappySelectResultSet.setup(
    at com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.engine.distributed.message.GfxdFunctionMessage.e

        at com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.engine.distributed.message.GfxdFunctionMessage.executeFunction(GfxdFunctionMessage.
(truncated for brevity.)

And this is what I did: Download SnappyData binaries from (v0.8). Unzipped it, ran

snappy> connect client 'localhost:1527';

snappy> create table table_a(key1 INT primary key, val INT);

snappy> create table table_b(key1 INT primary key, val INT);

snappy> insert into table_a values (1, 1);

snappy> insert into table_b values (1, 2);

snappy> insert into table_b values (2, 3);

snappy> select * from table_a;
KEY1       |VAL        
1          |1          

1 row selected
snappy> select * from table_b;
KEY1       |VAL        
2          |3          
1          |2          

2 rows selected

snappy> put into table_a select * from table_b;
(then the above error.)

Searching the error ( is already set) lead to here: (Concurrent execution in SQL doesn't work with Scala ForkJoinPool) which seems to be a bug fixed in Spark 2.2.0.

It's possible this might be due to SnappyData still using spark 2.0 (at least now in github it says moved to spark 2.0). But I am not sure.

Now I trying to use the PUT INTO statements in SnappyData if possible, it'll be greatly appreciated if someone can help me with this problem. Thanks in advance :)


  • You just need to provide table_a schema in the put into statement - So it should be : snappy> put into table_a (key1, val) select * from table_b;

    We will see what can be done for '0 rows inserted/updated/deleted' issue. 'put into' is little tricky as it can do inserts and updates in one DML.