i'm trying to do the XOR for two binary numbers for example :
10100010 xor 01000101 = 11100111
code for matlab :
y = bitxor (10100010,01000101 )
but when i use this , the matlab sees these 2 numbers as a decimal numbers and it gives a decimal answer
= 9789327
how can i xor two binary numbers and have a binary answer ?
The issue seems to be that MATLAB is expecting the input in double representation:
Not the most elegant, but one method:
y = dec2bin(bitxor(bin2dec(num2str(10100010)), bin2dec(num2str(01000101))));
Or, representing the bits as elements in an vector:
y = bitxor([1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0],[0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1]);