What I'm trying to do is (in a module I'm writing) export a function that works on a particular type in a state monad (in the example below, that type would be Foo
). However I would like the user to be able to use the function in whatever MonadState
type they wish: State.Lazy
, State.Strict
, StateT
, etc. So it needs to be polymorphic in its outer state monad.
Here is an example of what I'd like to do:
EDITED with a better question:
import Control.Monad.State
data Foo a = Foo { cnt :: Int, val :: a }
--test :: State (Foo a) a -- THIS WORKS
--test :: StateT (Foo a) Maybe a -- ...SO DOES THIS
test :: MonadState (Foo a) m => m a
test = modify (\(Foo i a)-> Foo (i+1) a) >> gets val
GHC complains that FlexibleInstances extension is required to define the type above. Is using that extension the correct way to define my function or is there a better way?
Can't you just use the MonadState typeclass?
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad.State
data Foo a = Foo { cnt :: Int, val :: a }
test :: MonadState (Foo a) m => m a
test = modify (\(Foo i a)-> Foo (i+1) a) >> gets val
It loads fine in GHCi.
EDIT: This is with MTL-2.0 and GHCi-7.0.1