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Calculating rowSums by group with dynamic column names

I would like to calculate the share of production of each fossil fuel by the drilling type used in the production. Starting point is the following data.table

dt <- structure(list(Global.Company.Key = c(1380L, 1380L, 1380L, 1380L, 1380L)
                     , Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter = structure(c(2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000), class = "yearqtr")
                     , Current.Assets.Total = c(2218, 2218, 2218, 2218, 2218)
                     , DRILL_TYPE = c("U", "D", "V", "H", "U")
                     , DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter = c(18395.6792379842, 1301949.24041659, 235.311086392291, 27261.8049684835, 4719.27956989249)
                     , DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter = c(1600471.27107983, 4882347.22928982, 2611.60215053765, 9634.76418242493, 27648.276603634)), .Names = c("Global.Company.Key", "Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter", "Current.Assets.Total", "DRILL_TYPE", "DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter",  "DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter"), row.names = c(NA, -5L), class = c("data.table",  "data.frame"), sorted = c("Global.Company.Key",  "Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter"))

I can then calculate the total of the production for each of the two fossil fuel types, based on the drilling type.

# Oil Production per Drilling Type and Total Sum
dcast(dt, Global.Company.Key + Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter + Current.Assets.Total  ~ DRILL_TYPE , value.var =  c("DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter"), fun = list(sum))[, Total.Sum :=rowSums(.SD, na.rm = TRUE), by=.(Global.Company.Key, Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter), .SDcols=c("U","D", "V", "H")][]

# Gas Production per Drilling Type and Total Sum
dcast(dt, Global.Company.Key + Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter + Current.Assets.Total  ~ DRILL_TYPE , value.var =  c("DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter"), fun = list(sum))[, Total.Sum :=rowSums(.SD, na.rm = TRUE), by=.(Global.Company.Key, Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter), .SDcols=c("U","D", "V", "H")][]
# Combined calculation of the production for both fossil fuels with dynamic naming.
dcast(dt, Global.Company.Key + Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter + Current.Assets.Total  ~ DRILL_TYPE , value.var =  c("DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter", "DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter"), fun = list(sum))[, Total.Sum :=rowSums(.SD, na.rm = TRUE), by=.(Global.Company.Key, Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter)][]

Does anyone have an idea how to calculate the total sum grouped for the different fossil fuel types? As you can see in the last case of the dcast command it concatenates the names of the new columns, therefore making it impossible to group the columns, by selecting the columns directly.

Basically, I would like to get the output of the last example, although enhanced by additional columns with a sum for the total oil and gas production. I would then would like to use these sums to to calculate the share of oil and gas production coming from one of the four well types.


  • There is an alternative approach using data.table and dcast() which is about twice as fast as OP's merge approach

    Complete the reshape from wide to long

    molten <- melt(dt, measure.vars = patterns("^DI"))
    #    Global.Company.Key Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter Current.Assets.Total DRILL_TYPE            variable        value
    # 1:               1380                           2000                 2218          U DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter   18395.6792
    # 2:               1380                           2000                 2218          D DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter 1301949.2404
    # 3:               1380                           2000                 2218          V DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter     235.3111
    # 4:               1380                           2000                 2218          H DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter   27261.8050
    # 5:               1380                           2000                 2218          U DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter    4719.2796
    # 6:               1380                           2000                 2218          U DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter 1600471.2711
    # 7:               1380                           2000                 2218          D DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter 4882347.2293
    # 8:               1380                           2000                 2218          V DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter    2611.6022
    # 9:               1380                           2000                 2218          H DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter    9634.7642
    #10:               1380                           2000                 2218          U DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter   27648.2766

    Compute totals

    totals <- molten[, .(DRILL_TYPE = "Total.Sum", value = sum(value)), 
                     by = .(Global.Company.Key, Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter, 
                            Current.Assets.Total, variable)]
    #   Global.Company.Key Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter Current.Assets.Total            variable DRILL_TYPE   value
    #1:               1380                           2000                 2218 DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter  Total.Sum 1352561
    #2:               1380                           2000                 2218 DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter  Total.Sum 6522713

    Append totals to details

    molten <- rbind(molten, totals)
    #    Global.Company.Key Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter Current.Assets.Total DRILL_TYPE            variable        value
    # 1:               1380                           2000                 2218          U DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter   18395.6792
    # 2:               1380                           2000                 2218          D DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter 1301949.2404
    # 3:               1380                           2000                 2218          V DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter     235.3111
    # 4:               1380                           2000                 2218          H DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter   27261.8050
    # 5:               1380                           2000                 2218          U DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter    4719.2796
    # 6:               1380                           2000                 2218          U DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter 1600471.2711
    # 7:               1380                           2000                 2218          D DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter 4882347.2293
    # 8:               1380                           2000                 2218          V DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter    2611.6022
    # 9:               1380                           2000                 2218          H DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter    9634.7642
    #10:               1380                           2000                 2218          U DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter   27648.2766
    #11:               1380                           2000                 2218  Total.Sum DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter 1352561.3153
    #12:               1380                           2000                 2218  Total.Sum DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter 6522713.1433

    Reshape from long to wide

    # reorder factor levels of DRILL_TYPE to ensure 
    # that columns are in the same order as rows (with totals last)
    molten[, DRILL_TYPE := forcats::fct_inorder(DRILL_TYPE)]
    # reshape
        dcast(molten, ... ~ variable + DRILL_TYPE, sum, value.var = "value")
    #   Global.Company.Key Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter Current.Assets.Total DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter_U DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter_D
    #1:               1380                           2000                 2218              23114.96               1301949
    #   DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter_V DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter_H DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter_Total.Sum DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter_U DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter_D
    #1:              235.3111               27261.8                       1352561               1628120               4882347
    #   DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter_V DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter_H DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter_Total.Sum
    #1:              2611.602              9634.764                       6522713

    The result is similar to the one created with OP's merge() approach (except for column order).


    mb <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
      merge = merge(
        x = dcast(
          Global.Company.Key + Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter + Current.Assets.Total  ~ DRILL_TYPE ,
          value.var =  c("DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter", "DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter"),
          fun = list(sum)
        )[, -grepl(glob2rx("DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter_*"), colnames(
            Global.Company.Key + Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter + Current.Assets.Total  ~ DRILL_TYPE ,
            value.var =  c("DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter", "DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter"),
            fun = list(sum)
        )), with = FALSE][, DI.Oil.Prod.Total.Sum := rowSums(.SD, na.rm = TRUE), by =
                            .(Global.Company.Key, Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter)][]
        y = dcast(
          Global.Company.Key + Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter + Current.Assets.Total  ~ DRILL_TYPE ,
          value.var =  c("DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter", "DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter"),
          fun = list(sum)
        )[, -grepl(glob2rx("DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter_*"), colnames(
            Global.Company.Key + Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter + Current.Assets.Total  ~ DRILL_TYPE ,
            value.var =  c("DI.Oil.Prod.Quarter", "DI.Gas.Prod.Quarter"),
            fun = list(sum)
        )), with = FALSE][, DI.Gas.Prod.Total.Sum := rowSums(.SD, na.rm = TRUE), by =
                            .(Global.Company.Key, Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter)][]
        all.x = TRUE
        by = c(
      aggr = {
        molten <- melt(dt, measure.vars = patterns("^DI"))
        molten[, Total.Sum := sum(value), by = .(Global.Company.Key, Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter, Current.Assets.Total, variable)]
        dcast(molten, ... ~ variable + DRILL_TYPE, sum, value.var = "value")
        molten <- melt(dt, measure.vars = patterns("^DI"))
        molten <- rbind(molten, molten[, .(DRILL_TYPE = "Total.Sum", value = sum(value)), 
                                       by = .(Global.Company.Key, Calendar.Data.Year.and.Quarter, 
                                              Current.Assets.Total, variable)])
        molten[, DRILL_TYPE := forcats::fct_inorder(DRILL_TYPE)]
        dcast(molten, ... ~ variable + DRILL_TYPE, sum, value.var = "value")
      times = 100L

    Note that the merge approach needs about three times as much lines of code. Also performance is twice as slow as the aggregate and rbind approach.

    Unit: milliseconds
      expr       min        lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
     merge 20.298773 21.181559 22.13640 21.77682 22.59126 26.22265   100
      aggr  9.393847  9.806165 10.33053 10.07595 10.35460 20.11112   100