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How to remove a directory and its empty ancestors with Perl?

What is the Perl way of removing a directory and then all empty parent directories up to the first non-empty one? In other words, what could one use instead of:

system 'rmdir', '-p', $directory;

which, in starting with d, would first remove d and then c, and then b, but not a, since a would still contain x, like this:


resulting in


It's not the built-in rmdir, as it can only remove a single directory. (doc)

It's not finddepth ( sub {rmdir}, '.' ), using File::Find, as it removes children, not parents. (doc)

It's not the remove_tree function of the File::Path module either, since it not only removes children directories but files as well. (doc)

Notice, remove_tree and finddepth work in the opposite direction of Bash rmdir --parent.


  • use Path::Tiny qw( path );
    my $p = path('a/b/c/d');
    while (!$p->is_rootdir()) {
        if (!rmdir($p)) {
            last if $!{ENOTEMPTY};
            die("Can't remove \"$p\": $!\n");
        $p = $p->parent;


    • Efficient. By checking the result of rmdir instead of using ->children or ->iterator, this solution is avoids needless calls to readdir.

    • No race conditions. Unlike the solutions that use readdir (via ->children or ->iterator), this solution doesn't suffer from a race condition.

    • This solution also avoids the redundant -d check used by an earlier solution.

    • This solution, unlike those before it, will handle a tree that's empty except for the directories to remove.