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modify Text in TextBox before Text is displayed

I want to modify the Text, that is typed in the TextBox, before it is displayed, without looking on the Text, that is already typed.

Example: xaml:

<TextBox x:Name="tb" TextChanged="tb_TextChanged">
    my long text


private void tb_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
    TextBox tb = sender as TextBox;

    if (tb != null)
        //save caretIndex
        int caretIndex = tb.CaretIndex;

        //modify Text //can be any modification
        //vvvvvvvvvvv Lines that I'm talking about

        tb.Text.ToLower(); //or: tb.Text.ToLower(); etc.

        char[] notAllowedChars = new char[] {'/t', '~', '#'}; //any other
        foreach (char c in notAllowedChars)
            tb.Text = tb.Text.Replace(c, '_'); //replace unwanted characters

        //^^^^^^^^^^^^ these lines modify the whole text

        //restore caretIndex
        tb.CaretIndex = caretIndex;

In that example, the whole Text is going to be modified. But all of the other characters are already modified. So I don't want to go through them again. I want only to modify the changed text before it gets inserted.

I'm talking of 100.000+ Characters. That means, that the looking up all characters causes an unwanted performance issue.

Is there any solution or is it an impossible demand.


  • You can look at the TextChangedEventArgs to see the changes, and then modify the text is some starting code:

    private bool m_bInTextChanged;
    private void tb_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
        if (m_bInTextChanged)
        m_bInTextChanged = true;
        TextBox tb = sender as TextBox;
        if (tb != null)
            //save caretIndex
            int caretIndex = tb.CaretIndex;
            if (e.Changes.Any())
                var addedchanges = e.Changes.Where(tc => tc.AddedLength > 0);
                foreach (var added in addedchanges)
                    string stringchanged = tb.Text.Substring(added.Offset, added.AddedLength);
                    tb.Select(added.Offset, added.AddedLength);
                    tb.SelectedText = stringchanged.ToLower();
            //restore caretIndex
            tb.CaretIndex = caretIndex;
        m_bInTextChanged = false;