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libgit2: Merge with conflicts

I'm working on implementing merge using libgit2, and I'm having trouble getting it to deal with conflicts (changes to the same line in a file) - the merge just aborts, with nothing written to the index or to the workspace. Resolvable conflicts (changes to different lines) are working fine.

It exits with GIT_ECONFLICT, which apparently indicates that the worktree and/or index aren't clean, but I checked with git status just before calling git_merge() and it's clean.

I'm using default merge options, and checkout options set to GIT_CHECKOUT_SAFE | GIT_CHECKOUT_ALLOW_CONFLICTS. I tried using FORCE instead of SAFE but it didn't help. What else do I need to do so the conflicts are recorded?

Code is here (in Swift):


  • It turned out the problem was that, since my unit test had just done a git commit using the command line tool, libgit2's in-memory copy of the index was out of date, so using that old copy of the index it thought there was a conflict. Reloading the index with git_index_read() before calling git_merge() solved the problem.

    This is actually a bug in libgit2; git_merge should be reloading the index itself: