When I submit my package to CRAN, it does not pass the automatic incoming checks with a following warning:
* checking whether package 'EpiILM' can be installed ... WARNING
Found the following significant warnings:
Warning: GNU Extension: Different type kinds at (1)
and corresponding log file says
psi= min(1.0,exp(ratio))
Warning: GNU Extension: Different type kinds at (1)
When I tested my package using R CMD CHECK and R CMD CHECK --as-cran, both result no warnings or notes. I am using an R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31) -- "Sincere Pumpkin Patch" on my MacOS and codes are written in Fortran 95.
Any suggestions?
Your code is too short to diagnose exactly, but it can be probably inferred safely what the not-shown part of the code is.
Your ratio
is of different kind than default one, probably `double precision.
But 1.0
is the default kind (aka. single precision).
Mixing different kinds in min()
is not allowed in Fortran, but you do this in:
To fix the problem, use literals of the same kind as ratio
is. So if it is a double precision
, you can use:
min(1.0d0, exp(ratio))
and if it is some real(rk)
you can use
min(1.0_rk, exp(ratio))
The real(.., kind=rk)
function can also be used.
The warning says that the GNU Fortran compiler recognizes it is not allowed in Fortran, but allows it as a non-standard extension. Whether using this extension is allowed by the CRAN coding standards is a different question. Probably no, if it got rejected.