I have done some research already as to how I can achieve the title of this question. The app I am working on has been under development for a couple of years or so (slow progress though, you all know how it is in the real world). It is now a requirement for me to put in Undo/Redo multiple level functionality. It's a bit late to say "you should have thought about this before you started" ... well, we did think about it - and we did nothing about it and now here it is. From searching around SO (and external links) I can see that the two most common methods appear to be ...
The command pattern looks like it would be a hell of a lot of work, I can only imagine it throwing up thousands of bugs in the process too so I don't really fancy that one.
The Memento pattern is actually a lot like what I had in my head for this. I was thinking if there was some way to quickly take a snapshot of the object model currently in memory, then I would be able to store it somewhere (maybe also in memory, maybe in a file). It seems like a great idea, the only problem I can see for this, is how it will integrate with what we have already written. You see the app as we have it draws images in a big panel (potentially hundreds) and then allows the user to manipulate them either via the UI or via a custom built properties grid. The entire app is linked up with a big observer pattern. The second anything changes, events are fired and everything that needs to update does. This is nice but I cant help thinking that if a user is entering text into a texfield on the properties grid there will be a bit of delay before the UI catches up (seems as everytime the user presses a key, a new snapshot will be added to the undo list). So my question to you is ....
If you have got this far, thankyou kindly for reading. Any input you have will be valuable and very much appreciated.
The critical things for undo/redo are
Adding undo/redo after the fact is always a painful thing to do - (I know this comment is of no use to you now, but it's always best to design support into the application framework before you start, as it helps people use undo-friendly patterns throughout development).
Possibly the simplest approach will be a memento-based one:
Locate all the data that makes up your "document". Can you unify this data in some way so that it forms a coherent whole? Usually if you can serialise your document structure to a file, the logic you need is in the serialisation system, so that gives you a way in. The down side to using this directly is usually that you will usually have to serialise everything so your undo will be huge and slow. If possible, refactor code so that (a) there is a common serialisation interface used throughout the application (so any and every part of your data can be saved/restored using a generic call), and (b) every sub-system is encapsulated so that modifications to the data have to go through a common interface (rather than lots of people modifying member variables directly, they should all call an API provided by the object to request that it makes changes to itself) and (c) every sub-portion of the data keeps a "version number". Every time an alteration is made (through the interface in (b)) it should increment that version number. This approach means you can now scan your entire document and use the version numbers to find just the parts of it that have changed since you last looked, and then serialise the minimal amount to save and restore the changed state.
Beyond that, I'd advise going for a command based approach, because there are many benefits to it besides undo/redo.