I understand that
def a(&block)
def a()
yield self
lead to the same result, if I assume that there is such a block a {}
. My question is - since I stumbled over some code like that, whether it makes any difference or if there is any advantage of having (if I do not use the variable/reference block otherwise):
def a(&block)
yield self
This is a concrete case where i do not understand the use of &block
def rule(code, name, &block)
@rules = [] if @rules.nil?
@rules << Rule.new(code, name)
yield self
The only advantage I can think of is for introspection:
def foo; end
def bar(&blk); end
method(:foo).parameters #=> []
method(:bar).parameters #=> [[:block, :blk]]
IDEs and documentation generators could take advantage of this. However, it does not affect Ruby's argument passing. When calling a method, you can pass or omit a block, regardless of whether it is declared or invoked.