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HtmlUnit download link from DIV

I'm trying to download some images from a website and they are stored in a table under div elements. I'm using Java with HtmlUnit library and this is what I have so far:

    _page = (HtmlPage);

    List<HtmlElement> _divList = _page.getElementsByIdAndOrName("imgcontainer");

    int num = 0;
    for (HtmlElement el : _divList) {

        InputStream is =;
        File path = new File(_downloadPath+_car.getRegNumber());
        if (!path.exists())
        writeToFile(is,new File(_downloadPath+_car.getRegNumber()+System.getProperty("file.separator")+_car.getRegNumber()+"["+num+"].jpg"));

The website code looks like this:

<table id="ctl00_ContentPlaceContenido_GridImagenes" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="border-collapse:collapse;">
    <div id="imgcontainer">
        <div class="imgitem">
            <a href="descarga.aspx?IDOWNER=40312&amp;ID=598477&amp;Action=View">
                <img alt="Foto Frente Izquierda" border="0" src="imgthumb.aspx?IDOWNER=40312&amp;ID=598477&amp;Action=View"/>
            <br />
            Foto Frente Izquierda

But what I'm dowloading is some HTML code instead of the images themselves. I don't know how can I get the href attribute from the HtmlDivision elements that I get in "_divList". Any suggestions?



This is the current code that I'm using to download them, the problem with this code is that I'm downloading some elements that I don't need (i'm downloading everything that has "descarga.aspx" in the href). That's why I want to be more specific and only download the images. As you can see, the HtmlAnchors that I get by searching for "descarga.aspx" are not redirecting me to another page:

    List<HtmlAnchor> picsLinks = new LinkedList<HtmlAnchor>();
    picsLinks = _page.getAnchors();
    int num = 0;
    for (HtmlAnchor currentPic : picsLinks) {
        if (currentPic.getHrefAttribute().contains("descarga.aspx")) {
            InputStream is =;
            File path = new File(_downloadPath+_car.getRegNumber());
            if (!path.exists())
            writeToFile(is,new File(_downloadPath+_car.getRegNumber()+System.getProperty("file.separator")+_car.getRegNumber()+"["+num+"].jpg"));
            _log.append("....Downloaded picture "+regNumber+num+".jpg\n");


  • I can't say without seeing the whole site, but I suspect it's something to do with clicking on the "imgcontainer" , which contains more than the image. What happens when you manually click on the words "Foto Frente Izquierda" in a browser?

    Try clicking on the image directly, using getByXPath and something like "//div[@class='imgitem']/a" (off the top of my head) instead of getElementsByIdAndOrName.