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pg_dump & pg_restore password using python module subprocess

Problem: Use the PSQL pg_dump and pg_restore in a Python script and using the subprocess module.

Background: I am using the following python 2.7 script from the localhost (i.e. Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS) to create a backup of a table in a PSQL server (i.e. PostgreSQL 9.4.11) and restore it into the remote host (i.e. Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS) in a newer version of PSQL server (i.e. PostgreSQL 9.6.2).


from subprocess import PIPE,Popen

def dump_table(host_name,database_name,user_name,database_password,table_name):

    command = 'pg_dump -h {0} -d {1} -U {2} -p 5432 -t public.{3} -Fc -f /tmp/table.dmp'\

    p = Popen(command,shell=True,stdin=PIPE)

    return p.communicate('{}\n'.format(database_password))

def restore_table(host_name,database_name,user_name,database_password):

    command = 'pg_restore -h {0} -d {1} -U {2} < /tmp/table.dmp'\

    p = Popen(command,shell=True,stdin=PIPE)

    return p.communicate('{}\n'.format(database_password))

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

When I use the functions sequentially as above the dump_table() function finishes successfully and creates the /tmp/table.sql file but the restore_table() function returns the following error:

('', 'Password: \npg_restore: [archiver (db)] connection to database "database_name" failed: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "username"\nFATAL: password authentication failed for user "username"\n')*

I have checked the credentials & outputs by executing the commands for pg_restore in the shell and I have also included the credentials to .pgpass (although not relevant since I am passing the password in p.communicate())

Anyone had similar experience? I am pretty much stuck!

Regards, D.


  • The following works and the changes made are commented.

    I am not sure though why the pg_restore produces that password authentication error when using the full command (i.e. not split in the list) and using shell=True in Popen, but pg_dump on the other hand works fine using shell=True & the full command. Does < have to do anything with it?

    from subprocess import PIPE,Popen
    import shlex
    def dump_table(host_name,database_name,user_name,database_password,table_name):
        command = 'pg_dump -h {0} -d {1} -U {2} -p 5432 -t public.{3} -Fc -f /tmp/table.dmp'\
        p = Popen(command,shell=True,stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE)
        return p.communicate('{}\n'.format(database_password))
    def restore_table(host_name,database_name,user_name,database_password):
        #Remove the '<' from the pg_restore command.
        command = 'pg_restore -h {0} -d {1} -U {2} /tmp/table.dmp'\
        #Use shlex to use a list of parameters in Popen instead of using the
        #command as is.
        command = shlex.split(command)
        #Let the shell out of this (i.e. shell=False)
        p = Popen(command,shell=False,stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE)
        return p.communicate('{}\n'.format(database_password))
    def main():
    if __name__ == "__main__":