Ok here go .Im trying to play a video located online.I got the url ,which is the following: http://fsi.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/video_4.mp4 Its not something i will use in my application but Its just a sample file . Reading the examples for the python-vlc module i wrote the following code:
import vlc
Instance = vlc.Instance('--fullscreen')
player = Instance.media_player_new()
Media = Instance.media_new('http://fsi.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/video_4.mp4')
In general I use anaconda and jupyter to write code .In the jupyter enviroment the code above executes corectly except the fullscreen parameter(which is still not what i need).So i tried running my code on a command window expecting the vlc player to start to fullscreen mode.Instead the code returned 0 as expected but the player never started.Im using windows 10 and vlc 2.2.4 . Can you please explain or at least help me understand why is this happening ?
Ok I solved it on my own.I just had to put an infinite loop in the end,so the player has enough time to run:
while True: