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How can I use if in if on vue.js 2?

If in view blade, it's like this :

@if ($a)
    @if (!$b)

I want change it to be vue component

I try like this :

<li v-if="a" v-if="!b">

Seems it's wrong

How can I do it correctly?


  • You have multiple options either you chain the condition as described by @Amresh Venupogal or you make a nested if just like you did in your bladeview. However it would require you to add an additional html element.

    Option A

      <li v-if="a && !b"><p>...</p></li>

    Option B (obviously worse since you will create empty div's inside your unorderd list)

      <div v-if="a">
         <li v-if="!b"><p>...</p></li>