When you export Batch configuration in Kofax 10.2 through UI it generates a cab file.
There a bunch of binary files like dlls
in that cab file. That kind of kills an ability to store it in version-control system.
Having those configuration file in version control would allow better/easier code sharing/testing/deployment/automation.
So I have 3 questions:
Unfortunately the short answers to all of your questions are No.
Despite the fact that it has no granularity, you should store the whole cab file in source control, since that is what you would use if you needed to restore your configuration to a previous state.
Within the cab file, the primary item that holds the batch configuration is the admin.xml file. If you really felt the need you could extract the contents of the cab file and also store these in source control. If you were to diff versions of the admin xml you may be able to determine context about what changed in the batch class. However you would still only be able to restore the full cab file.
Additionally, you mentioned dlls in the cab file, so I assume that you have Validation Scripts or something similar. Not only the built dlls, but also the source code would be within the cab in folders like Scripts\00000001[DocumentClassName]. So again, keeping the extracted contents in source control might be a good way to be able to diff changes, etc. But you still do need to keep the full cab since that is the only way you can import the batch class configuration.